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How To Save Water At Home — Water Saving Ideas!

Check out these easy water-saving ideas and ways to save water at home! Water plays a vital role to us and to the environment so we must conserve it.

We can all appreciate how much water is vital in keeping us hydrated and healthy, especially in the year’s warmer months. On average, each person has a water consumption of 341,000 litres each year, with the most extensive use being the toilet, followed by a shower and wash water. In Australia, we are one of the highest water consumers per capita globally. That isn’t good news for the environment. We have struggled with the worst drought periods, and because our natural environment is quite dry, we must use less water to reduce our water footprint and remain water-wise. We need to protect our most important resource and observe water conservation. If we all play our part and make minor changes in our daily lives, we can reduce our water usage, save our water and its environment, and have safe and clean drinking water. Saving water does not have to be difficult and can be carried out by everyone in your home. It is so easy to keep water, and everyone at home and in the workplace can get involved!

Save Water Home

Tips For Saving Water In Your Home

To save water, you can do a few simple water-saving tips in different home areas. Practising these ways to save water in everyday life will do your part for the environment and your pocket!


  1. Turn off taps when you’re not using them to conserve water. And when you’re brushing your teeth or shaving, only have the tap running when you’re rinsing. Get any dripping faucets or showerheads checked by a professional Sydney plumber.
  2. If you have a dual flush toilet, try to use the half flush on your toilet and consider installing a new water-saving model.
  3. Shorten your shower time. Shorter showers run for less than 5 minutes. Use water-saving shower heads or low-flow shower heads.
  4. Use a bucket to catch water splashback when you have a shower. You can use this water to wash your plants and cat or dog.
  5. Adjust the thermostat on your water heater tank so you don’t need excessive cold water.
  6. When brushing your teeth, remember to turn your tap off.
  7. Inspect your toilet tank, hidden pipes and fixtures for any leaks. Check under your bathroom sink for drips or walls and ceiling for water damage, mould or discolouration. Check your water meter and make a note of your meter reading.
  8. If you use a bathtub, be mindful not to overfill the tub. Regulate the temperature as it fills up to prevent adding more hot or cold water than you need. You can use less water for pets and small children.

Kitchen and laundry

  1. Make sure your dishwasher and washing machines have full loads before using them. And when you’re rinsing your dishes, fill your sink with water instead of under a running tap.
  2. Install an Instantaneous hot water system. This shortens the time it takes for your water to heat up as it’s running. Your local plumber can help you find the best system for your home.
  3. Switch to water-efficient goods and appliances. Installing energy-efficient 5-star WELS rating machines will reduce Sydney water usage. Front-loaders are better systems for water conservation. A simple call to your plumber or appliance store will guide you in the right direction.
  4. Only use the machine if it has a full load.
  5. Adjust the machine settings accordingly. For lightly soiled clothes, use a milder wash setting.
  6. Be on the lookout for leaks under the laundry basin. Check for splits on the washing machine hose.
  7. Keep a large bottle of tap water in the fridge for drinking. Fewer trips to the taps for you will always be nice and cool.
  8. You can reuse your pasta water. When you boil your pasta, drain the water and refrigerate it. This water can be used to water plants!
  9. When you wash dishes, don’t leave the tap running for rinsing. If you’ve got two sinks for washing dishes by hand, fill one with soapy water and the other with rinse water.

Garden and outside

  1. You are filling up a bucket and using that when washing your car rather than a running hose. Another handy tip would be to water your grass at the same time simply by washing your car on your lawn.
  2. Choose plants with lower water needs and requirements, like native plants.
  3. The best time to water your garden is before 10 am or 4 pm. It would help to use only a watering can or a bucket rather than a running hose.
  4. When watering your plants, ensure to saturate the roots, not just the leaves.
  5. Weeding your garden regularly can prevent water loss for your plants. Weeds can steal the water supply to your plants and lawn.
  6. Having your grass a touch longer can help retain water so that you can use less Sydney water.
  7. Use mulch or compost to increase water absorption in your soil. Research the best mulch to layer in your garden. Mulch will retain moisture for your plants and vegetables.
  8. Look into installing a drip irrigation system for your lawn and plants.
  9. When cleaning your driveway, use a broom instead of washing it down with a hose.
  10. Check out for leaking pipes or unusual water pooling around your home. Call your local plumber to get any pipe leaks repaired.
  11. Clean your outdoor drains regularly to prevent blockages

The great thing about following these easy water-reducing tips is that you will lower your water consumption. Still, your water bill will also reduce dramatically, saving you money in the long run. Great for your pocket and the environment!

Save Water Brushing Teeth

Saving Water In Your Home

That concludes our tips on ways to save water around your home.

Water is an essential resource in Australia and worldwide, nourishing us when dehydrated and giving life to our plants and wildlife. Water also plays a vital role in our household washing and cooking. For instance, what happens to your toilet without flushing water? Your waste would have no way of travelling to our sewerage system, leaving our environment unclean and filled with harmful diseases and bacteria.

But using more water and wasting it is tempting, as it is always accessible in your home. Turn on a faucet, and water pours out; run a load in your washing machine or flush the toilet, and the contents are quickly washed down the pipes. Most of us do not stop thinking about our water usage or conservation.

Small tasks like remembering to turn off the faucet when you clean your teeth can enormously impact you in the long run. And fix any leaks or drips as soon as your notice them. Conserve water and talk to Fixed Today for more tips on saving it.

Until next time!

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