Why Conserve Water?
Water is such a vital resource, not only in Australia but also worldwide. It nourishes us when dehydrated and gives life to our plants and wildlife; it also plays a crucial role in household washing and cooking. Without flushing water, our waste would have no way of travelling to our sewerage system, leaving our environment unclean and full of harmful diseases and bacteria.
With water always available at the turn of a tap, it?s easy for us to overuse it. You can run a load in the washer or flush the toilet, and everything vanishes down the pipes in an instant. Often, we don?t pause to consider how much water we?re actually using.
On average, the largest way to save water in Sydney is to use the toilet, followed by a shower. This makes Australia one of the largest consumers of water per year!
We?ve dealt with some severe droughts, which remind us of the importance of being water-wise. Given our naturally dry environment, every drop counts if we?re to leave a smaller water footprint on our world.
Saving water doesn?t have to be tough. Everyone at home can pitch in. Follow these tips, and you?ll see a significant change in your water consumption, and you?ll save a bit on your next water bill too.
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10 Easy Ways to Save Water in Sydney
Here are some straightforward tips to save water without much effort. Just tweak a few of your daily habits. Follow these guidelines, and you?ll notice a smaller water footprint and a lighter utility bill.
- Make sure you purchase a dishwasher with a 5-star WELS rating. This will tell you how many litres of water it will use per minute, with more stars being more water efficient. Only start a load when the machine is complete. It would be best to try using the dishwasher efficiently and scraping food into the bin rather than running a pre-rinse.
- Make sure to turn your tap off when not in use and tend to any minor leaks.
- Install taps with high saving water ratings.
- Wash your dishes in the sink with soapy tap water rather than rinsing them under a running tap.
- Leftover cooking or washing water can be great for watering plants.
- Limit washing dishes by hand. Use your dishwasher at a full load to use less running water.
- Keep your tap turned off tightly to stop drips.
- Fill one bottle of drinking water and reuse it throughout the day. This will minimise the use of new dishes and water usage.
- Install a saving water device on all fixtures.
- Install water-saving devices on your shower heads and bathroom taps. You can purchase these at your local home improvement stores.
- Have shorter showers. Limit your time to 4 minutes. While waiting for the shower to heat up, place a bucket to catch the water from the shower head. You can use this water for your plants and lawn.
- Adjust the thermostat on your hot water tank so you don?t need excessive cold water.
- When brushing your teeth, remember to turn your tap off.
- Inspect pipes and fixtures for leaks. Check under your bathroom sink for drips and the walls and ceiling for water damage, mould, or discolouration.
- If you use a bathtub, be mindful not to overfill it. Regulate the temperature as it fills up to prevent adding more hot or cold water than you need. You can use less water for pets and small children.
- With dual-flush toilets, stick to the half-flush when possible as they come with a high WELS rating, using less water per flush.
- Inspect your toilet for water trickling inside the bowl regularly. Fix any leaks immediately?here?s where to get it sorted.
- Avoid flushing anything but toilet paper and waste. Not only does it waste water, but it could also block your pipes. More about that here.
- Installing energy-efficient 5-star WELS-rating washing machines will reduce water usage. Front-loaders are better systems for water conservation.
- Only use the machine if it has a full load.
- Adjust the washing machine settings accordingly. For lightly soiled clothes, use a milder wash setting.
- Be on the lookout for leaks under the laundry basin. Check for splits on the washing machine hose.
- The best time to water your garden is before 10a.m. or 4 p.m. Rather than a running hose, use only a watering can or a bucket.
- When watering your plants, ensure that the roots, not just the leaves, are saturated.
- Weeding your garden regularly can prevent water loss for your plants. Weeds can steal the water supply to your plants and lawn.
- Having your grass a touch longer can help retain water so you can use less water.
- Look into installing a drip irrigation system for your lawn and plants.
- Research the best mulch to layer in your garden. Mulch will retain moisture for your plants and vegetables.
- Search for the best soil and plants for your garden and understand the best area to grow them. This can help with watering and general maintenance.
- You can use recycled water to feed your plants, vegetables and lawn.
- Clean your outdoor drains regularly to prevent blockages
Hot Water System
- Buy a high WELS Rating tank to ensure efficient hot water. It?s best to install hot water systems near places with high water use, like the kitchen or bathroom.
- Choose the right size for your household?s needs.
- Going for an instantaneous hot water system means less waiting time for the water to heat.
- Regularly service your hot water unit, checking the TPR valve too.
Water Meter
- It is a good idea to monitor your water meter. If you notice that it is ticking over rapidly or has an unusually high water bill, this could indicate a leak. Speak to your water provider or local licensed plumbing company.
- Evaporation occurs when the natural elements cause water to escape from your swimming pool. You are more inclined to fill the water level if it gets low. Invest in a sturdy cover to prevent evaporation from the sun and wind.
- You can increase the shade around and over the pool. This will also prevent the loss of water.
- Remember to attend to any leaks as soon as possible.
Need a Plumbing Service?
You Can Save Water!
There are many ways you can save water around your home. Although some may not seem like much, the water and money saved add up over time.
Get in touch with your local licensed plumbing team for more water-saving tips specific to Sydney. They can help you monitor your water use and guide you on saving both water and your cash while protecting the environment.
Until then, good luck saving!