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Plumbing Problems You Shouldn’t Try To Fix Yourself

There are some plumbing issues that are best left to the professionals. We have outlined which plumbing problems you are best not to do yourself.

Common issues in your home’s plumbing system are a common problem that most homeowners have to deal with. When this happens unexpectedly, you may not have the time or the funds to hire a professional plumber to solve your issue. You may try to fix the plumbing yourself, and DIY fixes are possible, but knowing what plumbing services you can safely and accurately do yourself is essential.

Plumbing Issues Shouldnt Fix

If you try to fix several issues around your home, consider the significant risk, especially if you do not have the appropriate training, experience, or license. You could end up causing severe damage to your property and yourself, especially plumbing problems you shouldn’t try to solve,

A professional plumber will have the right tools, equipment, and qualifications to solve your home’s plumbing, gas, and drainage issues. They will find the best solution for a dangerous job that requires specific skills. They will also take the necessary safety measures to protect themselves and your property from potential harm.

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What Are The Most Common Plumbing Problems?

Which Plumbing Projects Should Be Left to the Professionals?

Specific problems should not be handled yourself but handled by a professional plumber. An emergency plumbing issue, such as burst pipes or leaks from your gas appliances, can only be addressed by someone qualified.

With emergency service, you can be confident that the technician can save your house from a plumbing disaster.

Hot Water Heater

A hot water system can run into many problems, such as low water pressure, temperature issues, and even a leaking tank. A water tank is built with many components, such as valves and piping, not to mention the power source that helps run the heat, electricity, and gas.

Installing or disconnecting a water unit takes time and expertise to dismantle and attach the different components properly.

Drainage System

A severe drain blockage can be overwhelming, especially if it is causing the sewage at your home to overflow. A professional plumber will have a high-pressure jet blaster and CCTV camera to thoroughly inspect the pipes and their condition.

Using equipment like a jet blaster requires experience, and a particular set of skills is needed to inspect the drain system and pick up on issues inside the pipes, such as a growing tree root. In this instance, it is best to contact a licensed professional.

Tree roots can also cause extensive damage to your household plumbing. A tree root growing inside the pipe system can affect the water flow and must be removed and repaired by a professional drain specialist.

Busted pipes

To solve a cracked pipe problem, you need to act fast. You are dealing with water that could cause flooding or damage your home. Pipes that are damaged are a risk to the foundation of the building. Burst pipework can occur for several reasons and manifest through mould or water damage on the walls and ceilings.

Some leaking and burst pipe repairs could be hidden and need specific equipment to locate the issue. Specialised leak-locating equipment uses sound waves to pick up frequencies created by a particular type of sound the leak creates. A trained company can only carry out this service in concealed leak detection.

The issue will be identified and repaired quickly to prevent water damage to your home.

Gas Plumbing

Under no circumstance should you attempt to fix a gas plumbing issue yourself! Gas is a hazardous substance and should be considered an emergency service. It is a high-risk element and can make you ill if inhaled. It is recommended that you shut off your main gas supply line and contact a gas fitting company that is fully licensed.

If you suspect an issue with the gas line, remove yourself from the area and ventilate your property while waiting for an emergency plumber to arrive.

Low water pressure

Low water pressure is a problem you may rectify, depending on the underlying cause. Simply cleaning the shower head or removing a water-saving device on your tap could be all needed to restore your water pressure.

But, a licensed professional should be contacted if the problem is with the pipework or your water heater system. The same goes for higher-than-normal water pressure.

All plumbing services are unique and require different repair and fixing methods. Attempting to find solutions may affect your plumbing and worsen this problem. A temporary solution may cause further problems and damage without knowing the situation.

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When DIY Plumbing May Be Okay

While extensive plumbing repairs require professional expertise, some minor issues can potentially be tackled as DIY projects by handy homeowners, such as:

  • Replacing old and leaky faucet washers and cartridges involves basic disassembly and replacement of a few internal parts.
  • Unclogging bathroom sink or tub drains using a plunger, drain snake, or chemical drain cleaner - Useful for clearing simple obstructions.
  • Installing new faucets, sinks, or showerheads is pretty straightforward if you have essential tools and follow manufacturer instructions.
  • Fixing accessible and minor leaks - Applying pipe sealant, tightening fittings, or replacing short pipe sections if you can easily reach the leak.
  • However, attempting DIY plumbing without proper knowledge can lead to costly mistakes and potential new problems. Seek help from a skilled plumber if you have any doubts.

Questions to Ask Your Plumber

When hiring a qualified professional plumber for significant repairs, be sure to ask:

  • Are you licensed and insured? This protects you in case of damages.
  • What will the repair process involve? They should explain the full scope of work.
  • What is your total cost estimate? Get quotes from multiple plumbers.
  • How long will the job take? They should provide a timeline.
  • Will you provide a warranty? Reputable plumbers stand behind their work.
  • Can I see reviews from past clients? Check reviews online for red flags.

Asking the right questions upfront ensures you get quality service from reliable professionals you can trust.

Call a plumber

Whilst there is plenty you can do DIY in this scenario, extensive plumbing updates are not included. Your overall renovation budget of time and energy should let a professional handle your plumbing needs. There’s a lot that can go wrong with plumbing repairs. At best, it’s an inconvenience, and at worst, it’s very dangerous. Challenging yourself to take on DIY tasks is a fantastic life habit, but sometimes you’re better off calling in a professional.

You should phone a licensed professional to assist you if you are experiencing low water pressure, a blocked drain problem, or a leak under your kitchen sink.

Whenever you experience plumbing problems, call a trusted plumber to take care of your property correctly. Free yourself from the stress of dealing with a situation such as a blocked drain or broken water line.

Call a professional to do the job and provide permanent solutions for any plumbing need causing headaches. Whether it is a repair situation or you have specific projects you want to update your home or business. A qualified plumber can also provide tips to prevent the issue from happening again.

They could save you money in the long run as the licensed team will know how to solve your concerns correctly. Hiring a professional and experienced technician is always the best way for emergency issues to minor repairs such as leaking tap issues.

Take care of your home and provide the best service for any problem. Call a plumber to save you from a worse disaster.

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