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Lead In Drinking Water Australia

Lead in drinking water can be the cause for many health concerns, avoiding it is important in Australian homes. Read this guide to find out how.

Finding something unusual in your water is never ideal. Lead contamination in pipes or tank water should be treated as an urgent matter. It?s crucial to contact a professional plumber straight away. Have you had your water tested to check for lead levels and overall quality?

Lead, an element symbolised as Pb (from the Latin 'Plumbum?), has the atomic number 82. It?s a dense and toxic metal, heavier than many common substances.

Exposure to lead may significantly affect health, especially in children and pregnant women. When exposure becomes high, it may even attack the brain and nervous system, causing coma, seizures, and potentially death. The problem with most contaminants, especially lead, is that you can?t see, taste, or smell lead in your water supply, putting you at higher risk.

Lead Copper Pipes

Lead is present in our environment, including soil, air, and water. It can also be found in tap water, often coming from lead pipes, solder, brass fixtures, or other plumbing materials.

It enters the drinking water once the plumbing substances comprise lead corrosion, specifically in the regions where water?s acidity is high and water?s mineral content is low, eroding the pipes and plumbing system.

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Within homes with lead pipes, they connect the water main to the house, which is called the lead service line. Also, these ducts are generally a crucial place of origin for lead inside the water.

In all probability, lead pipes are found in the oldest cities and houses established before 1986. In homes with no lead service line, the issue faced is the aluminium or chrome-plated aluminium valves and plumbing with an alloy of lead.

Australia enforces strict regulations on safe drinking water, allowing no more than 0.01 mg of lead per litre. This aligns with global standards. Be sure to understand these guidelines as part of a broader lead reduction strategy.

Lead in drinking water.

Lead pollutants exposure and lead poisoning in drinking water can be minimised.

The fundamental way of getting lead toxic in drinking water is not the oldest pollutants of the water, such as fuels, used batteries, or even some dangerous debris; the fundamental way is the dispersal procedure utilised to provide water to your house and, most essentially, the plumbing system in your home.

The plumbing in your house is one of the main ways of lead exposure in the water you drink.

Be mindful that pets are also exposed to lead in their drinking water if you have pets.

As mentioned, older homes, particularly those built pre-1930, often used lead pipes. Between 1930 and 1980, copper became common, although lead alloys were still present.

During the 1950s and 1960s, new builds started to incorporate stimulated water lines.

Currently, this type of piping is rare, except in certain water applications. When these pipes corrode, they rust internally, causing the water to become discoloured, turning yellowish, brown, or reddish.

Even newer homes aren?t necessarily safe from lead issues. Data indicates that even buildings constructed as recently as five years ago can have elevated lead levels.

Pre-1986 buildings often contain some lead plumbing.

The steps to avoid lead in drinking water

Lead Piping Examples

Implement testing lead in water and avoid the prospect of contact with lead. Here are some tips on reducing lead exposure from the household?s plumbing.

1. Keep water running to rinse the lead out

If the water has not been used for a long time, keep the tap on for 30 seconds to 3 minutes or until it gets cold before drinking or using it for cooking.

By doing this, the lead stuck in the pipes gets rinsed out. This may also reduce the lead content in the water level by up to 90%.

2. Make sure to utilise fresh and cool water in cooking and preparing formula

Never use cold water for cooking or drinking from the tap that pours hot water; lead solutes more rapidly in hot water than in cold water.

Therefore, do not use hot water from the tap to make a formula for the baby. Also, never boil water to remove the lead.

3. Use a filter to stay safe

Not every water filter reduces the lead; therefore, ensure the one you buy has your water filter installed professionally before purchasing. Ensure the filter device is maintained and changed according to the manufacturer?s instructions to secure water quality.

4. Clean the tap inflater regularly

Tiny substances containing lead from alloy or even plumbing and drainage systems may become confined in the tap inflater. Cleaning it now and then will reduce the substances and remove your contact with lead.

5. Opt for purchasing low-lead installations

In 2014, every pipe, installation, and fitting was required to comprise less than 0.25% lead.

To purchase new installations, you must look out for those with the lowest amount of lead.

Collect information from the EPA regarding numerous certifications to check the lead-free items and purchase them for your house.

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6. Take tests of your tap water to find the content of lead

While accumulating the samples from the tap water to test them, you must prohibit using the water in your house for at least 6 hours before taking the samples.

The instructions for collecting the samples can vary in your city or the laboratory you select, yet gathering the ?pre-flush? sample is not missed.

7. Take care of growing and developing bodies

As much as possible, only strained or bottled fresh water to make a formula for the body and food in the house. Young kids, pregnant ladies, and nursing women must utilise filtrated or bottled fresh water to drink and cook.

Also, parents must consider getting their children checked by a doctor for exposure to lead.

8. Consider replacing the lead service line

There are approximately 3.3 million LSIs or lead service lines in Australia.

Around 50-75% of Australia?s water systems have LSIs, facilitating approximately 18 million people.

Most water systems are taking measures to diminish LSI after adopting the Lead and Copper Rule in 1991.

9. Cut down erosion and test the chemistry of water

An essential aspect of today?s drinking water care is reducing erosion to minimise the lead from the drinking water and resolve other problems.

CCT, or corrosion control treatment, is essential where LSIs occur. Corrosion Control Treatment differs in every water system based on the pipe?s age and service lines, where the drinking water is coming from, the chemistry, and the system?s size.

10. Know more about the levels of lead in your community

Each year, public water systems make a CCR Consumer Confidence Report involving data on lead-controlling solutions. The water systems post lead-controlling solutions online as well.

11. Use the method of distillation

Distillation is a lengthy procedure that requires a lot of energy from a great heat source. Hence, it may not be the ultimate procedure for removing the lead, but it is effective.

12. The method of filtration through carbon

A few carbon block filtrates are created to cut down the lead; nevertheless, their ability to remove lead may weaken quickly. Hence, it hinders their capabilities to remove the lead.

For instance, the carbon filter can only filter around 38,000~ litres containing water, which may not be effective at cutting down the lead except for the foremost 7,500~ litres. Hence, carbon filtrates with lead removal capabilities can not always provide a reliable treatment method.

13. The process of reverse osmosis

Throughout the reverse osmosis treatment of water, the water is given pressure (by the household water compression) with the help of some filtrates.

The layer in the reverse osmosis system filters out the lead and various other pollutants, only letting water filter through. The contaminants are rinsed out, allowing you to drink filtered, clean, healthy water.

A reverse osmosis system is a highly efficient procedure for filtering water with the lowest production cost. It consumes zero electricity and is extremely easy to use, maintain, and clean.

14. Consider changing the piping and drainage system of your house

First, ensure lead-contained piping systems or installations in your home.

If you are assured of having lead-containing systems, then a certified plumber may greatly help in this cause because only they know how to plumb better than anyone else.

Change the plumbing inside the household to contain even slight chances of lead. Rinse cold water taps if you furnish some new piping systems or installations.

Changing the home plumbing components is highly effective when the lead?s source is inside the home?s plumbing systems. If the lead arises from the lead service line inside a public water system, this technique may not benefit greatly.

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Keeping Your Family Safe

Pb Lead Graphic

Contact your water company and local health department if your home has lead pipes. In the end, the only sure method to minimise the danger of lead is to remove all the pipework containing lead from the house. Changing the pipes between the tap and the house is the obligation of the house owner.

When the pipes are renewed, you can contact the plumbing service to restore the tiny parts of lead in the service pipeline between the main line of water in the area and the house?s value.

Also, you can reduce lead in water by using a certified filter to remove lead. Or you can opt to drink bottled water, which is more expensive.

A treatment technique for lead is known as the Lead And Copper Rule, which requires a water system to handle the corroding.

This regulation has a system to accumulate the water samples from the tap systems with plumbing substances comprising lead.

When higher than 10% of the samples of tap water pass the action level of the lead of 15 parts for every one billion, in this case, water systems are needed to perform some other tasks, which include:

  • Performing other tasks maximises the erosion maintenance treatment (for the water systems that serve 50,000 individuals who do not have fully maximised erosion control).
  • Educating people about the exposure to lead in drinking water and the steps they can take to minimise their exposure to lead.
  • Changing the lead service line?s divisions (lines that join frequency mains to the people) according to the control of the water system.

Lead is unusual in that various leads in drinking water become apparent from the plumbing in houses or buildings. The solution mainly diminishes the plumbing and installations that contain it; however, this takes time and money. If you want to purchase a house, you can always have the pipes inspected and water tested to determine the supplies of your new property.

In the meantime, every empirical method to mitigate the complete exposure to lead, including erosion control, must be executed. If you are unsure, always ask your local plumber any questions about shown in tap water.

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