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How To Get Rid Of Drain Flies Effectively

Drain flies can be a total disaster for our plumbing and household health. Here are some tips on how to get rid of drain flies effectively!

Are drain flies harmful? Have you noticed small flies around your kitchen or bathroom? In most cases, they are drain flies, moth flies, filter flies, sink flies, sewer flies or sewer gnats (which belong to the family Psychodidae), often mistaken for fruit flies and look like miniature moths. And they typically set up shop in your bathroom and kitchen sink drains. They usually enter the home through tiny holes and can lay eggs (eggs that hatch every 32-48 hours), hatch, and repeat the life cycle.

You’re here because you want to get rid of drain flies, but first, let’s understand a little more about your drain fly problem.

Rid Drain Flies

Drain flies usually lay between 10 and 200 eggs inside organic matters such as grease, oil and fats, sludge, food sources or hair within the house. This organic material usually builds up within the drainpipes; hence, the name drain flies. After two days or less, the egg will hatch to release drain fly larvae which depend on the organic matter for food, between 9 to 15 days before developing into an adult. Adult flies usually live for about 14 days; squishing them doesn’t necessarily mean successful elimination. Without specific measures, getting rid of drain fly larvae and their breeding site will never be fruitful.

So, how do you kill drain flies or get rid of a drain fly infestation for good? Read to the end to find out!

1. Find the location of the drain flies

Drain flies usually gather around standing water and come from the closest drains, so if you see one near the kitchen sink, that’s most likely where they come from. However, to be sure, the best way is to take a piece of tape and put the sticky side down to cover more than half of the drain. Check the tape continuously for the subsequent days; if they are within that vicinity, you will notice some drain flies stuck on the tape.

2. Get rid of drain flies breeding site

Now you’ve identified where they are breeding ground, the next step to solve your drain flies infestation, and an effective way are reaching for a pipe brush and a plumbing snake to get rid of the drain flies (If you don’t have a plumbing snakehead go to a nearby hardware store). The objective is to remove all the gunk choking your drain pipes which can harbour drain fly infestations or drain fly eggs. With the pipe brush, clean the sides of the pipes, and then use the plumbing snake to get rid of clumps such as hair and others. Be patient while at it, and ensure you do well. You will likely get dirty while performing this task, so wear appropriate clothing.

3. Flush the Drain with some Drain Cleaner

The plumbing snake cannot entirely remove all the organic matter from the pipes. Go the extra mile and utilise a drain cleaner to flush the gunk. Adhere to the instructions on the packaging and repeat the process a few times. This is also a great way to clean smelly drains. You can also use half a cup of apple cider vinegar or white vinegar, drops of dish soap and baking soda as alternative drain cleaners. Even boiling water can do the trick. Just pour boiling water down the sink or drain to kill the drain flies and clear the drain, removing the gunk they love to eat. Note that boiling hot water may not be suitable for your PVC pipes.

4. Get the Drain Plunged

Trying every means necessary to remove all the organic matter in the drain is pertinent. Before you plunge the drain, flush it with a high quantity of water to remove every bit of the drain cleaner, to prevent the splattering of caustic chemicals. Take several minutes to plunge the drain, and afterwards, pour a lot of hot water down the drain.

Basic Drain Maintenance Tips

There are some valuable ways to get rid of drain flies Australia-wide, keep them out, and avoid blocked drain issues. For pest control and to prevent drain flies:

  • Clean the drains at least once in thirty days.
  • Get rid of rotting fruit.
  • Run your garbage disposals daily (if you have one) and keep the can clean.
  • Always wash your dishes.
  • Close any holes in window screens and always close the doors.
  • Always clean with drain cleaners like dish soap the caulking around the drains because drain flies love to lay eggs there.
  • Prevent any lint under the washer from getting wet.
  • Avoid stagnant water for drain flies. Find them better than active ones.

A well-maintained drain is essential for the smooth functioning of any household. But improper disposal of items and unintentionally dropping them can clog your drains and cause drain fly issues. Changing a few habits, getting your hands dirty, and putting more time and attention into your home’s drains may save you a lot of money.

But even if you’re careful enough to dispose of the leftover food in a garbage bag, it’s impossible to avoid grease buildups in the kitchen pipe. Even when you are a very cautious person, you may not notice the existence of grease in the drainpipe until overflowing happens.

Grease isn’t the problem. It’s the tendency to build up over a prolonged period until it overwhelms your drainage that grease and fat blockages become challenging. Grease starts to solidify and stick to the sides of the pipe until they form large clumps, which obstruct the water from flowing.

Regarding a plumbing problem like fixing blocked drains in Sydney, Fixed Today is ready to help with this emergency plumbing situation. Aside from drain flies, there may also be undetected leaks and problems you may not be able to see or notice immediately. So if you’d rather leave getting rid of drain flies to the experts and find the best plumbing solutions for your problems, get in touch!

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