With pollution, a rapidly growing population, and the changing climate, the quality of our drinking water is reducing daily. Contaminated water can harm one’s health aside from the lingering odours and unpleasant tastes from our water.
We all know how essential water is for our wellbeing. But did you know drinking or showering in water tainted with chemicals can lead to serious health concerns? That’s where water filtration comes in handy.
There are water filtration systems today that will purify water and take out most of the microscopic organisms, bacterial contaminants and harmful chemicals from it and in water pipes while still retaining healthy mineral deposits and preventing contamination from happening so you only have safe drinking water and better-smelling drinking water in your household.
However, many complain that these are expensive systems and wonder if they are needed. Boiling water used to be the only solution to remove the harmful substance.
If you’re wondering whether you really need a water filtration system, we’ve got you covered! We’ll dive into why it’s essential for both your shower and tap water. Let’s break it down.
Why Should You Filter Your Shower Water?
Think about installing a water filter in your shower. Did you know showering in chlorine-laden water isn’t great for you? Let’s discuss why it’s worth filtering your shower water!
1. Hair And Skin
Your regular water might have chlorine, byproducts, and other harsh chemicals that aren’t friendly to your hair and skin. A shower filter can help avoid those nasty chemical reactions, protecting you from hair loss and skin issues.
Also, chlorine can wash away all the essential oils from the skin and hair. This makes the hair dry and rough, making it difficult to brush. Also, the skin starts aging faster, and you will discover wrinkles appearing quickly.
Many sensitive skin complain that high chlorine levels may lead to rashes and pimples. The skin tends to get irritated, and rashes break out.
Some moisturisers and other skincare products can restore oil in the skin and prevent pimples. However, they can be pretty expensive, and you might not be able to spend so much every month.
If you have a filtered water system, this can easily be avoided, and you will have a permanent solution to purify water. Your hair will also be healthier and softer once you use a water filter system and beneficial minerals.
2. Respiratory Health
It’s important to note that chlorine can harm your respiratory system, possibly leading to bronchitis and asthma. For those already dealing with these issues, inhaling chlorine could worsen them. That’s why reducing chlorine levels through water filtration is crucial for good health.
3. Fatigue
Children with low immunity run a greater risk of falling sick after taking showers with chlorine water. It has been found to cause fatigue and bring down kids’ energy levels. However, thanks to a proper water filter system, water purification is at hand, and you can give chlorine-free water or pure water to your home for complete protection.
4. Air Quality
Chlorine can stay in the air for some time, which reduces the air quality around the house. You would not want that, and air purifiers are highly costly to purchase and can lead to huge energy bills. That’s why having a water filter and installing filtration for your water may not be a bad investment.
Filtration Systems: Why Should You Filter Your Tap Water?
This section will tell you about the importance of water filtration and the benefits of installing a system or having a water treatment system for your tap water in the kitchen and water purification.
1. Changes The Taste Of Water
After installing a water filter, you will notice a significant change in the water taste. It will become healthy and clean, and you can directly use it for cooking and drinking. It eliminates cryptosporidium, preventing gastrointestinal diseases and giardia.
Plus, a filtration system will remove chemicals, bacteria, and pesticides that may have been mixed with the water before.
2. Removes Lead
Lead and other heavy metals in your water supply can cause health issues. Still, the filtration process (incredibly reverse osmosis) in a filtration system will remove it all, making the water safe for consumption.
3. Saves Money
You will save so much money using water filtration systems instead of bottled water. That is because store-bought packaged drinking water is expensive, and purchasing bottled water daily can tax anybody with an average income compared to filtered water.
Also, the endless number of plastic bottles causes pollution and is detrimental to the environment. Thus, installing water filters in the kitchen will be environmentally friendly, and you will save a lot of money in the long run when filtered water is used compared to bottled water.
4. Reduces Risk Of Cancer
High lead and toxin content in the water can lead to rectal, colon, and bladder cancer. Removing chlorine and its byproducts will prevent this risk, and you can provide a healthier life for your family through water filters and drinking clean water.
5. Betters Immune System
If you have kids in the house, you will know how important it is to maintain and develop their immune systems. Clean and pure water will prove healthier, and filtered water will keep their immune systems functioning properly.
Installing Your Water Filtration System
By now, you can probably see why water filtration is so important. Investing a bit more in a solid filtration system can save you heaps in the long run. Health care and buying bottled water aren’t cheap, and it’s wise to cut down on those costs.
Before you buy a filtration system, make sure it suits your needs and keeps your water safe for drinking. Chat with our team to find out how to set one up in your home. There are lots of options, like activated carbon filters, UV light units, reverse osmosis, and more. If you’ve got hard water, more frequent filter changes might be necessary due to extra sediment.
Talk to your local authorities and get complete information about the kind of water that your house receives. Then, purchase water filters to make that water safe to drink and take showers.
We will now leave you to it, and we will soon be back with such informative guides. Let us know if you have any further questions about water filters in the comment section below, and we will try to address them in our next read.
Until then, bye!