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What Happens During A Plumbing Inspection?

A plumbing inspection examines your home’s full plumbing system to detect leaks, clogs, and other issues before they cause water damage or contamination. Learn what a professional inspection entails, when you should get one, and the key benefits of identifying plumbing problems early.

A common question among homeowners is what a plumbing inspection is and what you can expect.

To answer briefly, a plumbing inspection is the inspection of your property’s plumbing system. A healthy plumbing system can help prevent cross-contamination of water, leaks, mould growth and several other problems.

Ideally, all homeowners are expected to get an inspection done every year or so. But before you jump in and book an appointment, let us tell you what an inspection entails.

What Is A Plumbing Inspection?

A comprehensive plumbing inspection is usually done by a certified plumber who closely examines your property’s plumbing system, fixtures and fittings. When a plumbing inspection occurs, plumbers check the existing fixtures to see if they require repair or replacements. Older homes need to perform this due to the problem of aged pipes.

Besides checking the existing pipes, the plumbers also look at your drainage and connected water supply lines. This ensures no blockages or backflow problems within the sewer and drainage lines.

Additionally, if you have any exposed or above-ground plumbing, certified plumbers usually inspect it for pipe damage or leaks. Traps beneath the sink and shut-off valves are the most exposed areas.

Certified Plumber Talking Customer

The entire plumbing systems in the bathroom, kitchen, laundry room, etc., are also examined for potential leaking or clogs. Fixtures, including the water heater, are inspected adequately since they are used daily, so such components need to be repaired immediately.

Finally, the plumber checks your sump pump and discharge systems by doing video inspections of the deeper drains and sewer lines. You won’t have to resort to chemical clog removal products to eliminate the blockage.

Though this may seem an extensive process, it is nowhere near complete. Different professionals have different ideas and techniques for inspecting the plumbing, so consult an experienced plumber only after going through their plumbing inspection checklist.

When you own a commercial building, ensure that the inspection criteria are in sync with the building codes of your locality. Some additional concerns regarding plumbing inspections arise when considering the property’s age. For instance, older properties have worn-out pipes that don’t meet modern plumbing requirements, and you must consult a professional specialising in older drainage systems.

Check out these home plumbing inspection tips to know what you must check in your plumbing and drainage system inside and outside your property.

When Do You Need A Plumbing Inspection?

Cctv Drain Camera Plumbing Inspection

The most crucial time to get a proper plumbing inspection done is when you purchase a new property. The last thing you’d want is to deal with plumbing issues the old homeowners left. This way, you can rectify house issues, from aged pipes to backflow, before you move in and settle down.

As for realtors, plumbing inspections are done to check three aspects; whether the taps work, whether toilets flush and drain empty. This ensures that basic plumbing needs are met when a new homeowner moves in.

But for more thorough inspections, you must rely on something other than the realtor and get it done yourself. If not, serious issues, such as gas leaks and legal complications with the code, can arise or get overlooked.

On the other hand, aside from regular maintenance for your plumbing, getting a plumbing inspection done annually would suffice for a current homeowner. Contact a certified plumber immediately if you cannot recall when the last inspection was done.

The Benefits Of Regular Plumbing Inspections

Now that you know what a home plumbing inspection process is and when it needs to be done, let’s look at the benefits of routine inspections and proper plumbing maintenance.

Plumber Inspecting Tap Fittings

1. Spotting Plumbing Problems Quickly

The main benefit is that it brings any lines with cracks to light to prevent mould growth and minimise the risk of water damage. Additionally, a routine inspection can make you aware of the pipe’s age, enabling you to schedule a replacement or repair if and when needed. There are plumbing problems you can’t solve on your own. And it’s better to be aware of them. This also prevents the possibility of backflow and harmful chemicals seeping into your drinking water. This will also remind you to get backflow prevention testing.

Another common concern with plumbing work is hidden leaks, as a clog or leak can form deep within the drains or walls, which can be hard to spot. These problems tend to worsen when left untreated and cause more complications.

A plumbing inspection will give you an idea of the condition of the drainage so any hidden clog or leak can be fixed immediately.

2. Detailed Report

Once the plumbing inspection is completed, you will receive a report from your licensed plumber, which can be referred to when making future plumbing repairs. For a realtor, a professional plumbing inspection can help increase the property’s value and enable them to sell the house for a higher price to prospective buyers.

3. Longer Lifespan

A routine plumbing maintenance and plumbing inspection can ensure that your plumbing system has a longer lifespan. Plumbing issues can result in further damage to the pipes, thus making them inefficient in the long run. A well-functioning water heater and drain lines minimise the risks of potential leaks and clogs to save you from high repair costs.

Schedule A Plumbing Inspection & Save Yourself Money!

Booking a plumbing inspection makes your home much safer and more efficient. Typically, after the inspection, the technician will give you a detailed report on the problems and recommended solutions.

Remember that many health issues begin from contaminated drinking water or other plumbing-related problems. So, a thorough inspection is required to keep you and your loved ones safe. Watch for fluctuations in water pressure or standing water in your sinks or toilets.

If you require a professional plumber or plumbing inspector to perform a plumbing inspection, don’t hesitate to contact Fixed Today Plumbing. Our Sydney Backflow testing plumbers offer premium inspections, following a thorough and precise plumbing inspection checklist. From your hot water system to water leaks in your drainage lines - our team has a fast and affordable repair solution for you!

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