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Environmental Impact Of Outdoor Plumbing

Would you like you outdoor plumbing system to be more sustainable? Join us as we look at the impacts of outdoor plumbing, and the different ways you can reduce your impact on the environment!

People are quick enough to ditch plastic storage containers to go green but rarely pay attention to their plumbing.

Not many know that an inadequate or deteriorated plumbing system can harm the environment. Besides the environmental damage, old or worn-out plumbing fixtures and lines can expose household members to recurring illnesses. So, quick action needs to be taken to fix your plumbing issues.

Quite a few people have adopted green plumbing by installing eco-friendly fixtures to reduce environmental impact – but what’s that? From the ecological effects of plumbing to retrofitting your residential space with eco-friendly fixtures, this article contains all the answers you’re looking for.

Environmental Impact Of Outdoor Plumbing

Outdoor Flow Head Shower

1. Depletion Of Drinking Water Reserve

Water is a precious yet limited resource, so we should spend it judiciously for our day-to-day operations.

Most homes rely on municipal water for everyday tasks, from cooking to washing dishes. Unfortunately, a lot of this water goes to waste on chores that could use non-potable water instead.

Highwater pressure is another reason the drinking water reserve is depleting. Water wastage due to high pressure can be reduced by installing low-flow toilets, bathroom faucets, and shower heads.

2. Watershed Pollution

Water from the sewer pipes or the septic system, rainwater run-off management, downspouts, and wastewater from your backyard is often chock-full of contaminants like sewage and fertiliser. Such contaminants facilitate algae blooms, which can be minimised when you maintain the septic system regularly.

You should also water the lawn when necessary and collect roof run-off in barrels to reduce water loss.

3. Pest Upsurge

Blocked pipes, stagnant water, and contamination provide breeding grounds for bacteria and pests.

Pest infestations are harmful to human health and destructive to the environment. In addition to causing illnesses in humans, they feed on plants or grasses, damaging them completely.

To keep pests at bay, make sure there’s no standing water in your backyard or around your home. Got blocked PVC pipes? It’s best to get the professionals in to sort it out straight away.

4. Energy Depletion

Besides depleting drinking water, plumbing systems consume more energy, which may lead to depletion.

Plumbing fixtures are mostly made of ceramic or metal and require a lot of non-renewable energy in the manufacturing process. So, the obvious solution is toupgrade the fixtures and prevent environmental damage by recycling old fixtures every time you remodel your space.

Eco-Friendly Plumbing: How To Reduce The Impact Of Plumbing

Outdoor plumbing can significantly harm the environment, prompting many to opt for eco-friendly plumbing to save money and reduce their carbon footprint.

Here’s a quick rundown of a few eco-friendly plumbing solutions that will prevent water waste:

1. Tankless Water Heaters

Professional Installing Eco Friendly Tankless Water Heater

An excellent alternative to traditional water heaters, tankless water heaters do not consume as much electricity for heating water as traditional units. These appliances heat water only when warm water is needed, meaning they don’t run 24/7 and guarantee effective water use.

Even better, they come with a long lifespan and can last for more than 20 years, so the chances of water leaks are low in the case of a tankless water heater.

2. Low-Flow Fixtures

Outdoor Flow Sink

A few homeowners have already installed low-flow fixtures because they save litres in water consumption.

Showerheads, toilets, and faucets are among the low-flow energy-efficient plumbing fixtures. Upgrading every fixture at once will cost much money, so we recommend revamping them gradually. But if you prioritisewater conservation and want to conserve resources, plumbing installations of water-efficient fixtures are necessary!

3. Environment-Friendly Pipes

Eco Friendly Plumbing Pipes

Metals like copper, iron, and PVC pipes are commonly used for clean water supply.

While PVC pipes are recyclable, they can still harm the environment. Metal pipes, on the other hand, are more eco-friendly and durable, with a minimal environmental impact due to their longevity.

Note metal pipes are susceptible to corrosion, usually after 50 years of use.

New eco-friendly plastic pipes will be the best alternative if you don’t wish to go for either of the two pipes. Polypropylene and polyethylene are the two primary materials used in constructing eco-friendly pipes so that you can upgrade to them.

Protecting Our Planet: How Small Changes To Your Plumbing System Can Make A Big Impact

The impact of outdoor plumbing on the environment is vast. From depleting drinking water to exhausting non-renewable energy, plumbing systems damage the environment greatly. Even the health risks associated with the plumbing system are aplenty.

Switching to eco-friendly solutions is the best strategy to stop old plumbing from harming the environment. But if going all-green isn’t in your budget, regular maintenance can still cut down on water use and prevent issues.

Since plumbing is a complex network of pipes, you mustn’t take even a water leak lightly. We’d say so because delays in fixing plumbing problems can cause hefty damage to the foundations of your property.

Need a hand with making your plumbing more sustainable? Fancy installing water-saving fixtures? Reach out to our Sydney plumbers at Fixed Today. We’re all about eco-friendly and sustainable plumbing solutions, and we can’t wait to talk about your outdoor plumbing options!

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